Get Ready for

Breaks For Breasts | Kelly's Auto Repair & Service Inc.

Dunnellon Auto Repair

Imagine a vaccine that would create a world free of breast cancer During this month of October, we are giving away FREE Quality Brake Pads or Shoes. All you pay for is the labor and any other necessary parts. 10% of the proceeds will go towards research for the Cleveland Clinic Breast Cancer Vaccine Fund.

Our group of auto repair shops from across the country have a set goal to raise over $100,000 in proceeds. This fund raiser ends on October 31st, so we need your help in spreading awareness. Brakes for Breasts is run solely by volunteers supported by independent repair community across the country. It is a true grass roots efforts, so please pass this along to your friends!.

Help us put the brakes on cancer, call or stop in to set your appointment. Prevention is the cure.

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